July 11, 2010

Hello, all you dear adult readers and Book Club Brunchers!
Guess who was looking forward to writing to you on the first Thursday of July, and then totally forgot. Yes, of course, me. But I can’t think of a more understanding group in which I could admit that.
I hope you are all having good summer times, having adjusted to the “new normal” guidelines for our lives. And I hope you are still reading, though I know from experience, and talking with others, that there are times when reading becomes less longed for and we wander off to other things for a while. Usually, we return to the beloved books at some point, with a sense of having met up once again with a core part of our beings.
That’s how the summer has been for me: on again, off again. Right now I am reading two books from the library’s new book shelf:
The Mountains Sing, by Nguyen Phan Que Mai and Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel. The Mountains Sing is a novel, beautifully written, about a Vietnamese family during the changing governments and wars in their country during the 20th century. It focuses on the strength and resilience of the women and children left behind during chaotic times.
Darling Rose Gold is a somewhat creepy but believable story about a mother and her daughter. Full of surprises, questions, changing perspectives -- I’m not quite halfway through it, but it’s got me in its grip.
What are you reading? If you “reply all” to this message, we can all see what you have been reading. And of course we like to hear your opinions of the books you read. Please respond and keep the brunch bond alive and well!
The library is open again! You can come and get some fresh, new books, or pick up some old favorites. Things are a bit more formal than they used to be: staff wear masks, we have a shield at the front desk and dividers between the computers, and the comfy furniture has been put away until another time. But the friendly welcome is still there, the delight in greeting friends, the wonderful opportunity to let Marcellus Library work its magic on your mind and heart. We do encourage everyone who visits to wear a mask, but we certainly do recognize smiling eyes!
Wishing each of you the strength you need for each day, and the book you need for each reading moment.